Do you remember old great game Dark Colony? It was RTS (real time strategy) from 1997. Personally it is the best game I ever played! And now I am giving you links where you can download full version of Dark Colony! Try this game if you never played.
You can put AdSense at your Blogspot blog in 2 ways:
1. Add a AdSense widget. Blogspot have already this feature. Just add it (you must give your publisher id). However there are a bit less ways to customize them.
2. Add HTML/Javascript widget. Create ad at your AdSense account and copy the code. You have a lot of ways to customize your ads. You can also add channels and have better monitoring your ads.
Have you ever seen Ferrari FXX drifting? Now you can see it! This car is amazing. It it is much more exotic than Bugatti Veyron. White Porsche 911 driving somewhere in this video is miserable comparing to Ferrari FXX. Hear the sound of its engine. Love it. Ferrari FXX drifting - watch the movie.
People around are noticing that many webdirectories are loosing their Page Rank. Not all of them but a lot of them. I think main reason is that many directories are full of spam. Google dislike such a webdirectories. Quality directories are ok and their Page Rank isn't hurting, sometimes it's even increasing. So if you are planing to start web directory keep it high quality.
Nowadays many AdSense publishers claim that their AdSense earnings are falling down. Well I'm gonna try to answer if is that true? Answer is very complicated, becouse AdSense earnings depends on many factors.
First - it depends on niche. Some niches are very good paying and another are very low paying. For example I know that financial sites are paying good and wallpapers are paying low.
Second - traffic is very important thing. Be sure that you have good traffic. Without traffic you will not earn any money.
The economic down maybe also reason - some companies are giving less money for advertising than earlier. And too many AdSense publishers nowadays.
But I know people that are earning like $5 with 5 clicks so I think people can't say univocally that AdSense earning are falling down. For some people earining are increasing and for some people earnings are falling. Earning money online is very varied business.
Do you want to eat BigMac or some Hamburger at McDonald restaurant for free? There is some way. Check this video. However you can't choose what do you want to eat. Depends on you luck. Personally I found this method very unethical. And not sure if it works every time ;)
Internet freelancers should remember about importance of good relations with clients. Sure thing is that they should have some effective portfolio website with some good stuff here. It is good idea to put your image! Client will feel better and more comfortable when he knows who is speaking with. It is normal human reaction. The same thing when freelancer is active at the forums like Digital Point. Putting avatar with personal image next to nickname is a good idea. People will remember this person better and this is not just another nickname.
Everyone would like to earn that amount of money every month. This kind of monthly income can make your living very comfortable. It is great chance for people out of United States, becouse they earn in dollars so when they exchange currency ammount can be sometimes much much higher. I am also 99% sure that most of use would quit ordinary normal day job. However there is always risk that Google can ban AdSense account. People should be very careful and take more attention to TOS of Google AdSense.
It is not easy to earn $10000 a month. You need really big traffic to your site and also high CTR. But there is always a chance to success! Some people are making even more more and more...
I would like to share with you my exeprience when I visited KFC restaurant and ordered Grander. FIY I'm Europe located. I went to the KFC in the city center. Unfortunetely meat was very untasty and raw... plus it wasn't enough warm. Generally I do not recommend this food. I was with my friends and their Granders were also not good. Maybe this is single case... I don't know. I do not want to try it anymore.
Financial crisis? Not in Dubai! Here supertall towers are rising so much and so quick. I decided to show you Princess Tower which is in my opinion one of the nicest towers there. However it is still underconstruction. This is going to be the highest residential building in the world. This decoration will be supplemented with of diamonds, opals, rubies, sapphires and crystals. Height is planned to be 414 meters.
Dubai is city full of exotic cars. You can meet Ferrari or Lamborghini at almost every crossroads. This city is worth seeing!
Today I am going to share with you my method for getting blog indexed fast. It is quite easy way but really working for me.
1 step - create a blog and give it meta keywords and description. Then fill the blog with content. Create at least quality 10 post/inner pages - more better.
2 step - go to google webmasters tools and send your site map.
3 step - go to , create account and send most interesting post from your site.
Your site should be indexed within 24 hours. Nice, huh?
Young Britisher inspired by events that happend at conference made a game. Now people all over the world can try to hit George Bush using shoe. The game idea is based on true events - iraq reporter threw both of his shoes into president direction. Fortunetly Mr Bush is fast and dodge the shoes. I heard that some milionaire from Saudi Arabia is paying big money for that shoes!
Let's look around for some Lamborghini Murcielago LP560 to buy in Europe. I was looking mainly in Germany. The cheapest one was for 247.000 Euro with distance made 1500 km - 1/2008
Another one I found in Lamborghini sale point in Porrentruy. This is huge - they sell thousands of Lamborghini cars. This one is Lamborghini Murcielago LP560 Roadster. It is almost new only 200 kilometers made. Very nice car.
The real biggest newbies mistake is... giving up to early! Yes! Many people want to earn money very fast. Everyone would love to! But this is wrong way of thiking... Earning money online takes some times. Focus on providing good content and keep promoting and don't check your AdSense every hour. Many people give up before they earn first dollar. Try to set small goals like $1 per month and then kepp it upscaling.
Forex is the name of one of the biggest markets in the world - Foreign Exchange (FX). Daily turnovers are achiving now 2 trillions of dollars. Quite a lot, right? Forex is OTC (Over The Counter) market - it means there is no one main place where all transations are processed. Financial operations are done by mobile phone, internet or global netowrk of banks.
In the past Forex was a market where "big fishes" were trading. Now it is available almost for everyone. It has a lot of advantages. Let me tell you some of them:
Easy access - you can start trading with even small amount of money and you can do it everywhere using internet or other mobile technologies.
Trading 24/day - forex is open from monday to sunday 24 hours a day.
Earning possibilities - you can get profit when currency trend is downward/upward.
Great profits - what is most imprtant, investors can get even 100% in few hours or even in few minutes!
I think Forex creates great opportunites and definitely is worth trying. However, investor should always remember about risk. You can earn a lot, but you can also loose.
Burj Dubai is skycraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The height will be 850 meters. It is still under construcion but it has already height of over 700 meters! So right now it is the highest building in the world. Works started 15 April 2005 and propably will last to middle of 2009. Estimate number of floors will be up to 240.
The plan of floors propably will look like that: 1-37 - Armani Hotel 45-108 - prive apartaments 78 - outside pool rest - offices 123 - sky lobby 124 - view point
This is supertall ultimate center of living and business.
Having any car from Lamborghini must make you feel special. Having top model from Lamborghini - Murcielago must make you feel very special. But having Lamborghini Murcielago Versace must make you feel extremly special and... rich for sure.
All materials used in this car are the highest quality. White leather with Versace pattern. The are also available collection of gadgeds from Versace.
You can buy Lamborghini Murciélago LP640 Roadster Versace by special order.
German sources are giving information that production of Volkswagen Golf VI generation is going to last till year 2011. Supporter of this solution is president of Porsche Wendelin Wiedeking. Porsche share now 35,41% of Volkswagen. In the time of global crisis bosses of Volkswagen are looking for cuts in costs.
Thousands Top Gear fans is very curious and ask question: who is Stig? It is even ranked at 9th place in most popular views at portal. All we know that Stig is test driver, some say "test machine" to test super cars and he has got great driving skills.
Some unofficial sources say that under Stigs helmet there propably is Perry McCarthy, Ben Collins or ex Formula 1 driver Damon Hill. There are also some speculations that real Stig doesn't exist. They just rent a professinal driver that is currently available. Well, I'm not sure if we get answer some day...
Is the III world war close? This words sounds terrible. Unfortunetly, there are predictions for III world war and they are directly related to year 2012. The worst thing is that is is not a pure fantasy... Conflictas around the world are becoming harder and harder. So many terrorists attacks... From 11/09 in New York to atacks in Mombai few days ago... Think what if it will still go on and expand...
"I don't know how man will fight World War III, but I do know how they will fight World War IV; with sticks and stones." - Albert Einstein
Today I will consider with you my dear readers business online: discuss forum and how to earn money with it. First step we should do is to choose a general subject matter of our forum. We should foucs about something we enjoy and have good knowledge about. Next step is more technical. We must buy some hosting and domain, give it a name and choose a engine for our forum.
My personal choices would be:
1. If we are aiming for something for free: PHPBB2.
2. If we want can pay for it, I would buy very popular nowadays engine: vBulletin.
Then we should make some good sections inside the forum. And also what is important we should make some Rules and FAQ. Now time is for creating some threads to make forum more interesting and active. I would advice you to rent some forum posters. They aren't expensive. You can find them on DigitalPoint forums.
When our forum become more content valuable we should start promoting and marketing. This is very important for getting traffic and new members. You propably ask question: but how to earn money with my forum?
You can add AdSense to your forum and earn from clicks. However you should rembmer that forums generally have a lot of views but CTR is very low. This is common for forums.
Scientis discovered why dog nose is always wet! Without "wet nose" dog sense of smell wouldn't be so perfect. Comparing to human dog has thousand of times more smell cells. However this is not the only reason why dogs have so good sense of smell. Team of Brent Neven from University in Pensylwania important thing is also... catarhh. It is filtering air that dog is absorbing.
PS. I recently watched movie "Bolt" about dog. Funny film :)
This man can really drive. Awesome skills, awesome drifts. Car is Subaru Impreza with 530 horse power. Drifting around man standing on Segway or perfect circle drift in square. Check the video. Ken Block Gymkhana Practice.
Link building is a task you must done if you want your site to be ranked good in search engines.
Submit your site to directories Submit your site to directories from the first day of your site's existance. Do it slowly and continously, every day for a long time.
Write articles Write quality articles about topic that interest you and is related to your site. Put some links to your site inside article. Do not copy anything from other sites and even from your own site. Article must be unique!
One of the popular articles sites:
Comment blogs Comment blogs that are in similar topic. Do not spam, write quality comments related to post. Include your site adress and you will gain link.
Write on forums Join some forum and become an active member there. Put your link (be sure it is allowed) in signature and gain traffic and links.
Recently I have watched spanish horror movie "Rec". It was quite nice film. I like it. They made it using "home camera effect" and the final effect is very good. The only thing I didn't like is that movie is too short. I thought it is getting into swing when it ends! Despite it was ok. Now in theaters is Quarantine. In my opinion it is only worst copy of Rec. I recommend to watch Rec.
Sometimes people ask what are better chances for success: having site in domain ending .info (or any other) or .com . From SEO (search engine optimization - how searchs engines see you) poinf of view there is no difference. They are equal. So if you have good domain .info - don't worry and go ahead with this one - you don't need to look for .com . However I have noticed (and also heard from many directories owners) that spammers use .info for theirs spam sites very often. That is for your information. But If you have good content, neat template and do good SEO - there is big chance you can be successful and earn money! Cheers.
Toyota IQ has a lot of advantages: it is small, economic and nimble. This car is made for this hard, finance crisis times. It must be also useful for people living in big cities.
Toyota prepared impressive video spots showing two IQ's parked at one parking-place. And they have no problems with getting out. Check it.
When you build a site. Visual effect is very important so you should have some nice design (that helps earning money for sure). If you don't want to spend money on that you can look around for freebies. Here is my list I have done for you.
Could be there anything more sexy than Lamborghini Gallardo? Yes - Gallardo topless! Premiere took place in Los Angeles, California - where 1/3 of all american Gallardo's are selling. Changes in Spyder are analogic to changes made to Coupe version. It achive 100 km/h in 4 seconds and top speed is 323 km/h. Gallardo is best selling Lamborghini model in history. Over 8500 people bought it since 2003. New Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 Spyder will increase that numbers for sure.
I found some video showing idea how the end of the world can looks - it is asteroid hitting the Earth. However there are many ideas for apocalypse (i.e. predictions for III World War). Ok check the video and some spectatulars views.
Last time I bought a game for my X-Box 360: Need For Speed Undercover. This blog about nice things worth trying. And that game is definietly worth trying! Everyone who loves fast, exotic cars will enjoy this game. I am very satisfied and do not feel I loose my money. Graphic is excellent, sound ok and cars & races are great! You can drive, for exemple: Lamborghini Gallardo, Murcielago, Aston Martin DB9 or even Bugatti Veyron. Try yourself! Images from IGN.COM
When you create site and want to earn money with that site you need traffic. Traffic is the key. In other words traffic = money. The biggest source of traffic are search engines (like Google, Yahoo etc). But site must be ranked high.
First step you should take is thinking of keywords. Try to use keywords that are often in your site content. Do not use too many keywords. Use also some good title and description. Never put your keywords in description - Google ban such a sites!
After setting up keywords you should start link building. Start from adding your site to many directories (higher PR better). You can also make comments on related dofollow blogs. Put only quality comments and NEVER spam. You can also write articles and include there links to your site. REMEBER: Quality is the king. Create quality site and then get visitors. Try to attract them and make them they want come back to your site again.
Today I'm going to say about site flipping business. If you don't know what is it I will explain. First we need a website and we can do this in 2 ways:
-make one by yourself -buy a simple one (do not pay too much), which has a big potential (you must sense it)
We need to decide what kind of niche we get in. Let's say for example we want to make/buy site about books (but you choose the right niche for you). Than we make a simple page with few inside pages (like 10). In case you bought the site make sure you can improve (like design or content). Than put some marketing in this site. I suggest to not invest in marketing. You can also achive good results without spending $$$. Keep promoting until you get some stable daily income (adsense is good solution). Let's say site is earning $10/day, so it is 30*$10=$300 monthly. Sites are usually sold 10-12 times * monthly income so you would earn 10*$300=$3000 easily! It is a nice way of earning online (Sitepoint marketplace is nice place to sell). Thanks.
This car is made becouse of winning Formula One Construction World Championship for 16th time. This Ferrari is one of the fastest open-top ever made. V8 engine with power of 510 hp. It can achive 100 km/h in just 3,7 seconds and maximum speed of 315 km/h. Only two colors available: black&gray or colors of italian flag. Only 499 cars will be sold. This special anniversary model will become one of the most exclusive Ferrari - including even Enzo.
Welcome to Design Search Engine. It is very useful for looking for the best tutorials and sources to learn how to use graphics programs and similars. Hope you can achive good skills using them. Enjoy!
Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 is the new italian police car. It was a gift from Lamborghini company to Polizia. The power of this car is 560 horse power and maximum speed of 330 km/h. This car will be patroling area of central and south Italy. Be careful there!
Today Google Gmail gave us video chat function. Now we can not only chat with typing, now we can see each other. All you have to download a plugin and start using it! Great news.
AdSense is a program you can earn money displaying ads on your site. It is very well-know around the internet nowadays. Ads are "reading" content of the site and then are displaying right ads to fit your content. Different niches are different paying. I found some high-paying keywords list - well people can make real good money. Here are some of them (click cost in dollars):
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I have watched new James Bond movie recently "Quantum of Solace". First action took place in Siena in Italy. I was nice feeling to watch this scene becouse I personall visited stone quarry where the film was made. And second very nice thing were cars. I love Aston Martin James was driving. Pity it was destroyed (I hope in movie only). In my opinion the film was quite ok. A lot of action - but plot is medium. David Craig in the role of Agent 007 was, for me, doing very well. But the best elements of movie were: cars and women.
Today some portion of videos. Check how can be very clean window dangerous. Also perfect women for the man (I would like to have such a girlfriend!). And "smart" driver of Lamborghini Murcielago...
Have you heard that Lamborghini is going to make a new model with... diesel engine? Personally I almost can't believe it. This mark is a legend of super sport cars with high power benzin engines. And now diesel... Lamborghini Estoque. Here is a picture:
Have you ever been thinking how to earn money online? There are a lot of ways! All depends about your talent and what would you like to do. Here is a list of my ideas:
1. Design - creating websites, templates, logos etc (you need to have photoshop, dreamwaver skills). You can go to forums like DigitalPoint to look for jobs. 99designs, elence are also good sites! (use Google to find).
We have heard about the end of the world many times. Last time it was millenium 2000. But as everyone can see - we, people civilization is still alive. There is big noise now about prophecy for year 2012. What arguments are used for this time of world appocalypse? There are few. The Mayan calendar is ending at date of 21 December 2012. Also planet called Nibiru is coming very close to Earth. There is also world financial crisis novadays. I have heard also some prophecy that when the black man will lead the world - world will be going to the end (I only heard something like that). There are also some predictions for World War III . You can find many short movies about ending of the world on YouTube. Personally what I think: We should not take it seriously. What is your opinion?