Today I will consider with you my dear readers business online: discuss forum and how to earn money with it. First step we should do is to choose a general subject matter of our forum. We should foucs about something we enjoy and have good knowledge about. Next step is more technical. We must buy some hosting and domain, give it a name and choose a engine for our forum.
My personal choices would be:
1. If we are aiming for something for free: PHPBB2.
2. If we want can pay for it, I would buy very popular nowadays engine: vBulletin.
Then we should make some good sections inside the forum. And also what is important we should make some Rules and FAQ. Now time is for creating some threads to make forum more interesting and active. I would advice you to rent some forum posters. They aren't expensive. You can find them on DigitalPoint forums.
When our forum become more content valuable we should start promoting and marketing. This is very important for getting traffic and new members. You propably ask question: but how to earn money with my forum?
You can add AdSense to your forum and earn from clicks. However you should rembmer that forums generally have a lot of views but CTR is very low. This is common for forums.
Hope that my post help you a bit :)